公司名稱: 科林研發股份有限公司 | |
員工人數: | 19200人 |
成立時間: | 1980年 |
資本額: | 322,176,000 |
產業別: | 半導體 |
營業項目: | 科林研發的製程解決方案 市場上對於不斷縮小的晶片尺寸需求,驅使了不斷創新的製造方式的演進和開發,以生產功能更先進且功能密度更集中的元件,例如各式具有嶄新功能的微處理器和記憶體,其製造過程極具挑戰性,甚或要求具有原子尺寸等級的精密度。 科林研發透過多個不同專業領域的團隊合作,持續累積能量,開發日益複雜的設備,以應付結構更複雜但尺寸更小的元件製造需求。我們的創新技術和高產能設備,針對電晶體(Transistor)、連結導線(Interconnect)、層相(Patterning)、高階記憶體(Advanced Memory)、封裝 (Packaging)、以及高階封裝等應用,提供客戶所需的各式晶圓製程解決方案,以製造最先進的晶片。 科林研發的產品 薄膜沉積(Thin Film Deposition)、電漿蝕刻(Plasma Etch)、光阻去除(Photoresist Strip)、和晶圓清洗(Wafer Cleaning)…等是半導體製造流程中需重複多次且相互搭配的各類製程,Lam Research針對這些製程提供了極具市場競爭優勢且可彈性應用的多種產品組合。 對於一些非最先進晶圓製造的需求,我們也以傳統產品(Legacy Products)提供一整套有效的解決方案,並且擴展了我們的產品線,微機電系統(MEMS) 和發光二極體(LED) 等產品的製造商提供兼具產能與成本效益的設備。 |
福利制度: | 我們提供優於市場水準的薪資福利制度,以留住並吸引更多優秀人才的加入。 >>優渥的薪酬津貼 - 保障年薪14個月 - 各式津貼補助(汽車、輪班、值班、出差等津貼) - 優於勞基法之加班津貼 - 個人績效年度調薪 - 優渥的績效獎金制度(Annual Incentive Program) - 85折認購美國股票權利 - 優秀員工選拔與即時獎勵制度(Above & Beyond, Discretionary, Vista Award等) >>完善的保險與退休計劃 - 勞保、健保 - 退休金提撥 - 員工免費團體保險: 壽險、意外險、職業傷害險、醫療險、癌症險 - 旅平險及差旅緊急協助計畫 - 結婚、喪葬、育兒、生育、傷病住院補助等 - 急難慰問金 >>工作和家庭福利 - 優於勞基法之年休假制度,到職即享13+7天休假 - 壽星專屬生日假 - 4個月父母全薪育兒假、領養假 - 10週全薪產假 - 12天全薪病假 - 7天全薪住院照顧假、10天半薪住院照顧假 - 員工配偶、子女免費團體保險: 醫療險、癌症險 - 優惠方案自費父母醫療險 - 員工及子女獎助學金 - 眷屬旅遊補助 - 家眷探親補助 >>健康身心照顧 - 年度定期高級健康檢查 - 定期醫生及護理師駐診諮詢服務 - 員工及眷屬協助方案(您和你的家人可獲得心理、法律、財務、健康、感情、家庭等專業人員的免費保密諮商及協助) - 健康講座 - 多元化的社團活動 >>附加福利 - 購屋利息補助 - 員工介紹獎金制度 - 生日、結婚禮金 - 佳節禮品、禮金及慶祝活動 - 彈性福利計劃 (員工可選擇旅遊補助、房貸利息、健身、托兒及安親、家屬健檢費用等補助) - 久任服務年資獎及慶祝活動 - 個人旅遊補助 - 年度員工旅遊 - 部門活動經費 - 孕婦專屬車位 >>其他計畫 - 配對捐款方案 - 專利和著作獎勵金 健全的訓練發展體系: 全球前三大半導體設備商 - 科林研發繼1995年與經濟部簽約成為首家加入亞太營運中心策略聯盟的晶圓製程造設備商後,2008年在台成立「亞太技術訓練中心」,引進最新晶圓製程設備,透過各種國內外訓練培養專業人才、激發潛能,持續與科林研發共同成長。 • 在職進修補助 • Lam e-library電子圖書館 • 國立大學/國家圖書館年費補助 • 完善的新進人員訓練 (New Hire Orientation) • 新進人員個人訓練計畫(Personalized Assimilation Plan)及夥伴(buddy)制度 • 多元化e-Learning學習平台 • 多元主題職能訓練課程 • 全球專業技術訓練機會 (亞太訓練中心/奧地利/美國矽谷總部與奧勒岡訓練) • 專業知識及技能訓練認證 • 美國、奧地利、亞太區、台灣在職訓練(On-the-job Training) • 個人訓練及發展計畫 • 管理與領導才能發展 • 英文及電腦課程補助 • 專業技能外訓補助 |
薪資範圍: | 工程師年薪百萬起跳 |
應徵方式 | |
聯絡人: | 王祥珍 Lala Wang |
電話: | (03)579-8666 #455 |
傳真: | |
E-mail: | lala.wang@lamresearch.com |
網址: | https://www.lamresearch.com/zh-hant/ |
招募要項 |
設備工程師 Field Service Engineer |
工作內容 Technical 1. Responsible for providing quality repair and preventive maintenance service of company equipment at customer sites. May install or relocate customer equipment and perform associated start-up and check-out procedures under supervision 2. Perform on-site preventive maintenance. Order and replace defective units, components or parts as appropriate. 3.Troubleshoot equipment problems and conduct diagnostic procedures to isolate problems and take steps to minimize downtime or system interruptions and eliminate equipment malfunctions. 4. Determine corrective actions required and escalate for assistance and prompt resolution with the support of technically more experienced staff for assistance and guidance when assessing severity of malfunctions and determining corrective actions required. 5. On the job Training (OJT) to assist with installing and start up and/or relocating equipment at customer’s site. 6. Remain up to date on equipment/tools through appropriate training, manuals, factory periodicals and other relevant materials. 7.Execute project action items under direct supervision 8. Perform other related duties as assigned by senior FSE / supervisor 9. With project management experience a plus Leadership 1. May Provide on-site instruction to sub-contractors and customers Customer Relation 1. Professionally represent the company to the customer. Be committed to customer satisfaction and develop good customer relations by maintaining standards of conduct acceptable to both Lam and customers. 2.Shadow more experienced engineer at customer site |
製程工程師 Field Process Engineer |
工作內容 Technical 1.Responsible for completion of process support and installation of Lam equipment at customer sites. This includes evaluation and documentation of process outputs of hardware modifications/upgrades to existing systems. 2. Setup and complete experiments, collect data and generate reports for both internal and external distribution. 3. Design and complete DOE (Design of Experiments) evaluations to characterize process window for new installations or Lam recommended field hardware modifications/ upgrades. 4.Develop new processes for small variants to existing customer applications. 5. Conduct experiments and tests, collect and analyze data and generate reports for both internal and external distribution. 6. Work with senior engineers and customers to understand customer technology roadmaps, process flow, inflection points, requirements and business issues/ challenges. 7. May develop new processes for small variants to existing customer applications. 8. May recommend / initiate escalations and quality investigations. 9. Present technical and marketing materials to a high standard. 10. Any other duties as assigned by the immediate supervisor. Customer Relation 1. Develop good customer relations during start-up and trouble-shooting; Work closely with customer to understand customer issues and demands. 2. Professionally represent the company to the customer. 3.Utilize knowledge of company’s product lines and services to keep existing / potential customers informed when new/additional needs are identified. 4. Maintain company’s assigned equipment (computer, tool kit, diagnostic test equipment, spare parts etc.) in good working condition, accounted for and secure. 5. Can support process projects and manage customer and product group to drive to closure. |