公司名稱: MPS 芯源系統有限公司 | |
員工人數: | 250人 |
成立時間: | 1997 |
資本額: | 9億9000萬 |
產業別: | 半導體 |
營業項目: | MPS是一家名列美國標普500指數 (S&P 500) 成分股的類比IC設計公司,於2004年在美國那斯達克股票上市 (NASDAQ: MPWR)。企業總部位於西雅圖灣區,自1997年成立以來,憑著紮實的應用知識、類比IC設計經驗及自有的先進製程,持續提供業界高效能、省能源及低成本的解決方案。產品廣泛應用於汽車電子、雲端運算、工業、消費性電子等。 相較於一般無晶圓廠IC設計公司均使用晶圓代工廠所提供之標準製程技術,MPS以自有的高效製程與晶圓廠合作生產自行研發的產品。MPS於2004年在美國那斯達克股票上市 (NASDAQ:MPWR)。2016年及2020年分別獲評《財富》最快速成長企業100強第54名及77名 ,2017獲評全球半導體聯盟 (Global Semiconductor Alliance)「最受尊敬的新興上市半導體公司 (Most Respected Emerging Public Semiconductor Company)」。 目前在美國、臺灣、韓國、日本、新加坡、中國及歐洲均有分支機構,全球員工超過3200名。台灣據點位於台北汐止與新竹台元 |
福利制度: | 1. 員工皆享勞保、健保、團保、教育訓練。 2. 正職員工享有三節禮金、生日禮金,以及績效獎金。 3. 員工可參加股票認購計劃 (ESPP)。 4. 辦公室鄰近汐科火車站,位於汐止遠雄U-town大樓,周邊生活交通便利。 5. 辦公室提供咖啡吧等。 |
薪資範圍: | 面議 |
應徵方式 | |
聯絡人: | Vina |
電話: | 886-3-527-6622 |
傳真: | |
E-mail: | |
網址: | |
招募要項 |
Application Engineer_應用工程師 |
Job Summary: This position's responsibilities include enhancing and debugging power IC products, developing reference circuits, writing datasheets and application/design notes, and providing application support for key customers. |
Yield Enhancement Engineer (Product Engineering)_良率提升工程師 |
Job Summary: This position is set for yield enhancement engineer to manage released products, including new fab qualification, fab capacity expansion qualification, product mask change qualification, new bumping house qualification, product yield improvement, product quality improvement, as well as on hold lot disposition. |
Failure Analysis Engineer_失效分析工程師 |
Job Summary: This position is set for yield enhancement engineer to support released products shipment, on hold lot disposition, fab transfer qualification, mask change qualification, bump house transfer qualification, yield improvement and product quality improvement. |
TE Team_New Product Test Development Engineer_新產品測試研發工程師 |
Job Summary: This position's responsibility is new product development that includes ATE test solution development, test program coding and debugging, and production release. |
Analog Design Engineer_類比IC設計工程師 |
Job Summary: Designing analog and mixed-signal ICs for Power Management Products utilizing leading edge sub-micron BiCMOS /DMOS technologies. Products to be designed may include, switching regulators, display drivers, audio amplifiers and power management ICs for fast-growing portable and non-portable markets such as broadband modems, PDAs, notebooks, cell phones, telecom, fiber optics, digital camera, network equipment, and automotive |