公司名稱 工作類別
碁科技股份有限公司 硬體設計工程師
-學歷要求:大學、碩士-科系要求:電機電子工程相關-語文條件:英文 -- 聽 /中等、說 /中等、讀 /中等、寫 /中等-其他條件:1.電子電機相關科系畢業。2.具乙太網路交換器, Intel X86, FPGA 或 XPON OLT 等系統硬體開發經驗者佳。3.個性積極負責,具團隊合作精神,對硬體開發工作有熱忱。
公司名稱 工作類別
碁科技股份有限公司 自動化軟體開發工程師
-學歷要求:大學以上-科系要求:資訊工程相關, 資訊管理相關-語言條件:[英文] 聽: 中等, 說: 中等, 讀: 中等, 寫: 中等 1.自動化產品的測試規劃,測試程序的編寫與維護 ,測試系統規劃2.測試軟體的優化改善和異常處理3.撰寫/維護產品測試程式,4. Server/Database 維護5. 專案開發(Arduino,Raspberry Pi)
公司名稱 工作類別
碁科技股份有限公司 軟體工程師
-學歷要求:大學以上-科系要求:通信學類, 資訊工程相關, 電機電子工程相關-語言條件:[英文] 聽: 中等, 說: 中等, 讀: 中等, 寫: 中等-其他條件:1.個性誠信負責、主動積極、主動溝通協調2.Experienced on system optimization of SDN/NFV3.Familiar with Docker, Container and Kubernetes4.Familiar Intel’s DPDK or QAT
公司名稱 工作類別
中鼎工程股份有限公司 電機設計⼯程師
電⼒系統計算與分析、動⼒與接地系統設計、照明系統設 計、弱電與消防系統設計、陰極防蝕和電熱保溫設計、建造與試⾞,操作和維修。
公司名稱 工作類別
科林研發股份有限公司 製程工程師 Field Process Engineer
工作內容 Technical 1.Responsible for completion of process support and installation of Lam equipment at customer sites. This includes evaluation and documentation of process outputs of hardware modifications/upgrades to existing systems. 2. Setup and complete experiments, collect data and generate reports for both internal and external distribution. 3. Design and complete DOE (Design of Experiments) evaluations to characterize process window for new installations or Lam recommended field hardware modifications/ upgrades. 4.Develop new processes for small variants to existing customer applications. 5. Conduct experiments and tests, collect and analyze data and generate reports for both internal and external distribution. 6. Work with senior engineers and customers to understand customer technology roadmaps, process flow, inflection points, requirements and business issues/ challenges. 7. May develop new processes for small variants to existing customer applications. 8. May recommend / initiate escalations and quality investigations. 9. Present technical and marketing materials to a high standard. 10. Any other duties as assigned by the immediate supervisor. Customer Relation 1. Develop good customer relations during start-up and trouble-shooting; Work closely with customer to understand customer issues and demands. 2. Professionally represent the company to the customer. 3.Utilize knowledge of company’s product lines and services to keep existing / potential customers informed when new/additional needs are identified. 4. Maintain company’s assigned equipment (computer, tool kit, diagnostic test equipment, spare parts etc.) in good working condition, accounted for and secure. 5. Can support process projects and manage customer and product group to drive to closure.
公司名稱 工作類別
科林研發股份有限公司 設備工程師 Field Service Engineer
工作內容 Technical 1. Responsible for providing quality repair and preventive maintenance service of company equipment at customer sites. May install or relocate customer equipment and perform associated start-up and check-out procedures under supervision 2. Perform on-site preventive maintenance. Order and replace defective units, components or parts as appropriate. 3.Troubleshoot equipment problems and conduct diagnostic procedures to isolate problems and take steps to minimize downtime or system interruptions and eliminate equipment malfunctions. 4. Determine corrective actions required and escalate for assistance and prompt resolution with the support of technically more experienced staff for assistance and guidance when assessing severity of malfunctions and determining corrective actions required. 5. On the job Training (OJT) to assist with installing and start up and/or relocating equipment at customer’s site. 6. Remain up to date on equipment/tools through appropriate training, manuals, factory periodicals and other relevant materials. 7.Execute project action items under direct supervision 8. Perform other related duties as assigned by senior FSE / supervisor 9. With project management experience a plus Leadership 1. May Provide on-site instruction to sub-contractors and customers Customer Relation 1. Professionally represent the company to the customer. Be committed to customer satisfaction and develop good customer relations by maintaining standards of conduct acceptable to both Lam and customers. 2.Shadow more experienced engineer at customer site
公司名稱 工作類別
璨揚企業股份有限公司 海外子公司會計
1、3+ year experiences in accounting firm with robust analytical skills. Big 4 audit experience is preferred. 2、Strong understanding of financial accounting processes. 3、Excellent written and verbal communication in both Chinese and English (TOEIC >800). 4、Good knowledge of Excel, Word and Micsrosoft applications. BI experience is preferred. 5、Experience with SAP and Workflow is preferred. 6、Open for cultural differences and able to work with colleagues in other regions. 7、Strong analytical and problem solving skills 8、Independent, sense of responsibility, team player, good communication skills and stress-resistant.
公司名稱 工作類別
璨揚企業股份有限公司 ESG永續專員
1.具備ISO國際證照者,包含ISO 14064-1、ISO 14064-2、ISO 14067等。 2.熟悉電腦文書作業並具備跨部門溝通能力。
公司名稱 工作類別
璨揚企業股份有限公司 人力資源專員
1.具備3年以上選/用/育/留(任兩項)實務經驗。 2.對於人力資源策略與規劃具備想法者。
公司名稱 工作類別
璨揚企業股份有限公司 國外業務(Foreign Sales Specialist)
1.Fluent English required.(TOEIC 700分以上) 2.Foreign business experience required. 3.Interested in foreign business development. 4.Second European language is a strong plus.
共 1,496 筆, 691~700 筆[第一頁/前一頁] 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 [下一頁/最後一頁]