公司名稱 工作類別
運達航運股份有限公司 人力資源管理師
條件要求: 大學(含)以上 科系:不拘 TOEIC 750 and above 工作內容: 1. 建立、維護招募管道及評估效益。 2. 執行招募甄選、聯繫、面談及任用作業。 3. 統計、製作人力資源管理報表及數據分析。 4. 年度教育訓練課程規劃與執行。 5. 教育訓練資料分析與報告彙整,並追蹤教育訓練成果。 6. 知識管理平台建置及管理。 7. 執行公司各項招募、教育訓練專案。 8. ERP系統操作及維護。 9. 出勤資料維護。 10. 集團內部人資專案協助。 11. 主管交辦事項。
公司名稱 工作類別
運達航運股份有限公司 財會專員
條件要求: 大學(含)以上 科系:會計學相關、一般商業學類、財稅金融相關 其他條件: 1. 熟悉Excel軟體及函數 2. 熟悉Office相關軟體操作 3. 可接受財務內部工作輪調 4. 由於各項相關財會、資金或分析表的編制及核對,充分需要跨部門或跨國溝通協調,且多以英文訊息、郵件往來,歡迎穩定性佳, 個性細心負責,積極善於溝通者加入。 工作內容: 1. 海內外各點收入成本及各項費用管理、結算及分析。 2. 廠商貨款、客戶收款、費用等應收應付款項之憑證會計登錄、核對及支付。 3. 資金業務如銀行支付帳款操作與核對,現流報表編制及預估。 4. 海外子孫公司稅務規劃及財務掌控。 5. 配合工作內容,有國稅局、銀行、會計師等對外聯絡業務需求。 (部門內各項財務工作定期輪調)
公司名稱 工作類別
運達航運股份有限公司 運務管理師
條件要求: 大學(含)以上 科系:不拘(理工背景尤佳) TOEIC 700 and above 工作內容: 1.船期管理 2.船舶油料管理 3.排艙圖
公司名稱 工作類別
運達航運股份有限公司 業務代表-台北 (Outside Sales)-Taipei
條件要求: 大學(含)以上 科系:不拘 TOEIC 700 and above 工作內容: 1.Account Maintenance 2.Problem or complaint case solving 3.Coordinate internal support from all departments to provide better customer service 4.Assist to achieve the sales team target 5.Interested in working oversea
公司名稱 工作類別
運達航運股份有限公司 業務代表-高雄(Outside Sales)-Kaohsiung
條件要求: 大學(含)以上 科系:不拘 TOEIC 700 and above 工作內容: 1.Account Maintenance 2.Problem or complaint case solving 3.Coordinate internal support from all departments to provide better customer service 4.Assist to achieve the sales team target 5.Interested in working oversea
公司名稱 工作類別
英業達集團 研發相關職缺
公司名稱 工作類別
保聖那管理顧問股份有限公司 日商業務/助理/工程師/翻譯/秘書等
日本語文能力測驗JLPT N2以上(將依照各日商需求條件及工作內容有所不同,敬請隨時留意保聖那官網,或徵才博覽會當日於攤位上所放置之資訊)
公司名稱 工作類別
美商科磊股份有限公司台灣分公司 Customer Service Engineer
• Evaluates, analyzes, diagnoses and troubleshoots technical equipment problems via telephone or at customer site. Ensures equipment improves customer production. • Repairs of system level problems (which have multiple causes and for which no standard procedures exist) at customer sites. • Represents the company to the customer and assume accountability for customer happiness with service. • Assures operational quality of system equipment. Coordinates actions with customers to minimize down time. • Provides assistance to Installation Engineer in resolving problems. • Prepares fields service reports on customer support activity and provide documentation to other supporting functions on re-occurring problems. • Build positive relationship with customers and increase customer satisfaction by resolving sophisticated requests and issues. • Contribute to the Capturing, Re-use, Collaboration, and Improvement of knowledge using available systems • Develops and handles return materials authorization (RMA) processes for ensuring customer returns, exchanges, service and repairs are done with speed and accuracy and all client/customer service delivery issues are resolved. • Executes technical critical issues with detailed problem statement and pass-down to work with system engineering technical team in customer site. • Estimated travel is 20% once trained in the classroom as part of on-the-job training program. Although, much of the job responsibilities will be performed in the office or at the customer site supporting various projects and initiatives. In addition to problem diagnosis and resolution, other support duties will include characterization and support of customer demos and field projects.
公司名稱 工作類別
美商科磊股份有限公司台灣分公司 Applications Engineer
• Applications support for wafer inspection tools Company will provide in-depth training in Taiwan and USA. Responsible for providing technical applications support for the development and implementation of KLA wafer inspection products in customer fabrication facilities. Makes presentations on all aspects of products. • Be responsible for acceptance test, customers training, recipe setup, project execution, and related pre-sales activities. Assists sales staff in assessing potential application of company products to meet customer needs. Provides follow-up support in disseminating technical information on specific applications. • Report regional requirement and update to product division. • Escalate field apps issue to division and follow up for issue fix. Works on complex problems where analysis of situations or data requires an in-depth evaluation of various factors. • Work with customers and division to maximize the benefit of wafer inspectors • Generate BKM and publish technical paper.
公司名稱 工作類別
友信行股份有限公司 醫療業務
1. 拜訪固定或非固定地區醫院客戶,開發或維護客戶關係。 2. 銷售及推廣公司產品。 3. 教育及示範產品使用方式。 4. 協助客戶使用產品。 5. 標案,合約簽訂與收款。 6. 售後服務與維持客戶滿意度 7. 醫學會站展及推廣
共 1,496 筆, 721~730 筆[第一頁/前一頁] 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 [下一頁/最後一頁]