公司名稱: 威盛電子股份有限公司
員工人數: 800人
成立時間: 1992/9/21
資本額: 49億 
產業別: 半導體 
營業項目: 公司
簡介 ◎威盛智能汽車解決方案:威盛 Mobile360 系統和設備,使人工智能人員檢測及駕駛安全系統等技術發揮功效。
◎ 威盛智能邊緣解決方案:提供高度整合模組、電路板、入門套裝等,並將 I/O 和AI相結合。
◎威盛智能工業解決方案:在AIOT Edge上實現AI視覺檢測功能,以提高效率並協助達成ESG目標。
福利制度: ◎快樂的學習與活動:各類講座、節慶活動。
薪資範圍: 依職務而定 


聯絡人: 朱小姐 
電話: 02-22185452*866878 


雲端系統軟體開發工程師(Cloud Application)
1. Web front-end & back-end developing.
2. RESTful API design and developing.
3. DevOps cloud service mainly in AWS serverless platform.
4. Linux shell script developing.
5. Relational database design and using.
1. 產品RF測試,阻抗匹配,desense除錯,法規驗證。
2. 協助RF相關產線驗證設計及產線轉移。
3. 負責WIFI/Bluetooth、LTE、GPS模組在系統上的PCB佈局設計。
Software Technical Support Engineer (AE)
1. Learn new technology for supporting customer cases like standard VIA mobile360, AIoT,embedded,and X86 products, including some ODM cases.
2. Analyze and develop embedded system software.
3. Duplicate and trace customer reported issues.
4. Provide the optimal solution and solve the issues for customers.
5. Customize programs for VIA Android/Linux embedded system.
AI軟體專案管理師(SW PM)
1. Closely work cross-functionally with the project team to ensure the project achieves its goal.
2. Understand project scope, and schedule, and participate in the entire software project process.
3. Control project schedule, product backlog management, and issue tracking and management to ensure the project is on schedule and budget.
4. Write project documents (specifications, reports, meeting minutes, etc.) and maintain customer relationships.
5. AI product market research, assist in planning product features and development.