公司名稱: 台灣國際航電股份有限公司
員工人數: 20000人
成立時間: 1989年
資本額: 7,794,884,000 
產業別: 製造業 
營業項目: Garmin致力於全球衛星定位系統(GPS)及通訊產品之研發、製造及銷售。擁有完整且多樣化的產品線,包含航空、航海、車用、戶外休閑、運動健身五大市場 
福利制度: 【Garmin Benefits】 整體薪酬以績效為導向,具市場競爭力。
● 端午、年終、年度績效獎金
● Garmin員購折扣
● 員工股票認購計畫
● 生日禮金、中秋禮金、婚喪喜慶補助金、同仁在學補助金、 子女獎助學金
● 設有員工餐廳、交通車
● 設有員工宿舍及汽機車停車位供申請

【Garmin Health & Wealth】
● 彈性上下班
● 員工協助方案-生活及工作諮詢、健康諮詢及協助
● 團保計畫、差旅險
● 醫護室、定期駐點醫師/物理治療師、定期健康檢查、身心靈相關講座

【Garmin Environment】
● 符合人體工學辦公桌椅
● 提供咖啡、茶飲、歡樂點心時間
● 自由彈性、舒適的工作環境

【Garmin Life】
● 豐富多元化社團活動
● 運動休閒設施
● 旅遊補助

【Garmin Talent Development】
● 新進人員訓練:紮實且豐富的新進訓練課程與活動!
● 專業課程訓練:職務領域精進,掌握工作專業核心!
● 領導管理訓練:帶人帶心,邁向成功的團隊領導者!
● 語言訓練計畫:世界接軌語言訓練,成為國際人才!
● 多元學習管道:課程、活動、線上等多元學習管道! 
薪資範圍: 面議 


聯絡人: Ginny Lin 
電話: (03)318-7099 #4955641 


Job Role: 資訊服務開創者—IT Application Engineer 「我們對資訊服務有著無比的熱情,將資訊服務以各種創新技術融入到大家的日常工作中是我們的使命。你將會站在科技(Technology)與人文(Project management)的交匯點,成為一位數位整合開發者。」

• Design, develop, and implement new features and functionalities into our systems.
• Collaborate with cross-functional teams to gather requirements and translate them into technical solutions.
• Troubleshoot and debug issues as they arise, providing timely resolutions.
• Participate in code reviews, ensuring code quality and adherence to best practices.

• Master's degree in Computer Science or related field.
• 3 to 5 years of experience in system development. Proficiency or interest in any web design or programming language such as Java, JavaScript, React, Vue or any web container and framework
• Agile software development life cycle management, including continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) execution.
• Proven experience in implementing new features and functionalities.
• Experience in PLM and BI (Business Intelligence) development tools for data analysis and reporting is desirable.
• Passion for engaging with internal customers to understand their needs and deliver effective solutions.

Join us and be part of a collaborative team where your contributions will make a significant impact on our systems and our ability to serve our processes efficiently. If you're passionate about innovation and enjoy working in a dynamic environment, we want to hear from you!